We are excited to announce that skill developers can use new quick-start templates in the Alexa Developer Console to accelerate skill development for popular skill types. The templates include a fully configured voice interaction model and connection to a default backend service for interaction model testing. You can use the templates as-is to learn about voice interaction models. You can also modify and use the templates in your own Alexa skills. Quick-start templates are available for all English locales supported by the Alexa Skills Kit, with additional language support coming soon.
To build an Alexa skill using the Custom Skill API, you design a voice interaction model in the ASK Developer Console, and then you connect the interaction model to a backend service that you implement in AWS Lambda or on the HTTPS endpoint of your choice. We provide step-by-step tutorials to show you how to build the interaction model and the backend for several sample skills.
The quick-start templates make it easier to execute the steps in the tutorials, and allow you to test and refine your voice interaction model before you even start on the backend service. When you choose a quick-start template, we automatically create a voice interaction model based on the associated tutorial for you. We also connect your skill to a default backend Lambda function that you can use for prototyping and testing your interaction model.
When using the default Lambda, Alexa will respond to any voice input with the name of the intent, and any associated slots and slot values. The default Lambda also lets you try any dialogs and prompts you have configured in the skill builder. Once you complete your voice interaction model testing, you can replace the default Lambda function with your own backend service, based on our tutorial sample code available on GitHub or designed from scratch.
Templates are available today for the Fact Skill Sample, Quiz Game Sample and the High Low Game Sample in all English locales. Log into the Alexa Developer Console and create a new skills using a quick-start template today, and learn more in our quick-start template documentation.