Alexa Blogs Alexa Developer Blogs /blogs/alexa/feed/entries/atom 2021-10-13T16:06:52+00:00 Apache Roller /blogs/alexa/post/92fb6136-babe-4907-8f06-53e744504047/announcing-the-alexa-prize-sgc3-finalist-teams Announcing the Alexa Prize SGC3 Finalist Teams Lauren Stubel 2020-05-11T15:09:26+00:00 2020-05-11T15:09:26+00:00 <p><img alt="" src="" /><img alt="" src="" style="display:block; height:385px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:890px" /></p> <p>The Alexa Prize SocialBot Grand Challenge is now in its third year.&nbsp; And for a third time participating student teams have made exciting advances in the state-of-the-art of conversational AI.&nbsp; With gratitude for the efforts of all the teams this year, I am delighted to announce the five teams that are advancing to the Alexa Prize Finals.</p> <p style="margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in">The three socialbots with the highest average customer ratings during the semifinal period have automatically advanced: Alquist from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Emora from Emory University, and Gunrock from the University of California, Davis. We also advanced two wildcard teams this year based on evaluation criteria that included ratings from Alexa customers, depth and breadth of topics covered, appropriateness and accuracy of responses, and scientific merit as determined by the content of their technical papers: Chirpy Cardinal from Stanford University and Athena from the University of California, Santa Cruz.</p> <p><a href="">In July 2019</a>, ten university teams were selected from applications submitted by labs around the world to compete for the Alexa Prize. Since then, teams have been working tirelessly to delight customers with engaging and coherent conversations on a variety of popular topics. Now, the advancing five teams will compete for the Grand Prize.&nbsp; If they have a composite score of 4.0 or higher, and at least two-thirds of their Socialbot’s conversations with interactors last for 20 minutes, they will win a $1 million research grant for their University.</p> <p style="margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in">Congratulations to Alquist, Athena, Chirpy Cardinal, Emora, and Gunrock!</p> <p style="margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in">On behalf of the entire Amazon Alexa organization, I want to thank all of the Alexa Prize teams for their creativity, passion, and contributions to both AI science and to delighting Alexa customers. We will be publishing the teams’ technical papers in a special-edition <em>Alexa Prize Journal</em> later this summer, enabling all teams to share their innovative ideas with the scientific community.</p> <p style="margin-left:0in; margin-right:0in">In the meantime, please continue to support our finalists by chatting with their socialbots, it’s as easy as saying “Alexa, let’s chat” to your Alexa-enabled device. You can also follow #AlexaPrize on Twitter and bookmark <a href="">our website</a> for further updates.</p> /blogs/alexa/post/5a6a0cd7-7eef-4832-be84-604b28e67282/join-the-conversation-and-chat-with-the-newest-alexa-prize-socialbots Join the Conversation and Chat with the Newest Alexa Prize Socialbots Lauren Stubel 2019-12-04T17:00:52+00:00 2019-12-04T17:00:52+00:00 <p>This past September, 10 <a href="" target="_blank">university teams</a>, from schools around the world, officially began their journey with the <a href="">Alexa Prize</a> Socialbot Grand Challenge 3. Teams spent part of their summer attending an intensive boot camp to learn what it means to be customer obsessed and how to integrate their ideas into the Alexa Prize infrastructure. Now ready to compete, teams have built an AI (called a socialbot), at scale, capable of conversing coherently and engagingly with humans for 20 minutes. Their socialbots should be able to discuss popular topics and news events such as entertainment, fashion, politics, sports, and technology.</p> <p>Even as innovators create AI that can drive cars, play board games, and diagnose diseases, the seemingly intuitive task of everyday social conversation remains an elusive goal. Undaunted, the student teams have geared up to tackle the challenge. As they build their socialbots, they will encounter esoteric problems like context modeling and dialog planning as well as exoteric problems like user experience and conversational engagement. The Alexa Prize provides a unique opportunity for industry and academia to come together to address these challenges.</p> <p>We invite you to join the students on their journey and help them along the way. You can interact with their socialbots simply by saying, “Alexa, let’s chat” on any Alexa-enabled device in the US-English marketplace. You will be connected to one of the 10 socialbots at random. Chat about your favorite topics, say “Stop” when you are done, and share your feedback.</p> <p>It is still early days in this pioneering journey, and we know the teams will appreciate your help and patience as they learn, iterate, and build new interactive conversational experiences. The socialbots will improve quickly based on your use and feedback. We hope you’ll enjoy interacting with them.</p> <p>The student teams are working hard, having fun, and well on their way to making history. We look forward to having you join the Alexa Prize community to support them along the way.</p> <p>Follow the <a href=";src=typd" target="_blank">#AlexaPrize</a> hashtag and bookmark <a href="">our site</a> for updates.</p> /blogs/alexa/post/0f854225-e681-4ec8-b2b1-6a0e8f4bc566/use-the-new-fallback-intent-to-respond-gracefully-to-unexpected-customer-requests-jp AMAZON.FallbackIntentが日本、フランス、イタリア、スペインで使用可能になりました Tsuneki Umeda 2019-11-25T02:32:05+00:00 2019-11-25T02:32:05+00:00 <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:480px; width:1908px" /></p> <p>本日、Amazon.FallbackIntentが日本、フランス、イタリア、スペインで使用可能となりました。</p> <p>さらに、AMAZON.PhoneNumber(ベータ)とAMAZON.Ordinal(ベータ)のビルトインスロットタイプも合わせて使用可能となりました。</p> <p><img alt="fallback.png" src="" /></p> <p>Amazon.FallbackIntentが日本、フランス、イタリア、スペインで使用可能となりました。さらに、AMAZON.PhoneNumber(ベータ)とAMAZON.Ordinal(ベータ)のビルトインスロットタイプも合わせて使用可能となりました。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Alexaスキルの開発者であれば、スキルのインテントに幅広いバリエーションのサンプル発話を含めることで、発話のハンドリング精度が向上することはご存知だと思います。(さらに詳しい情報については、<a href="">こちら</a>のドキュメントをご参照ください)</p> <p>しかし、インタラクションモデルがどれほど堅牢であっても、スキルのインテントとまったく一致しない発話を受け取ることがあります。 これらの種類のリクエスト(<a href="">ドメイン外リクエスト</a>)が意図していないインテントにマッピングされると、予期しない応答が発生する可能性があります。このような問題を解決するために、Alexa Skills Kit は昨年、<a href="">AMAZON.FallbackIntent</a> を英語ロケールとドイツ語のビルトインライブラリーに追加しました。</p> <p>スキルのインタラクションモデルに FallbackIntent を追加すると、スキルの開発者とユーザーの両方にメリットをもたらします。 スキルユーザーに対しては、FallbackIntent がドメイン外リクエストを適切にルーティングすることで、より関連性の高い応答が提供されるようになります。 通常これは、ユーザーのリクエストがスキルでは対応できないものであることをユーザーに知らせ、スキルの機能に戻るためのガイダンスを提供するプロンプトとなります。</p> <p>スキル開発者の場合、<a href="">インテントリクエスト履歴 API</a>を使用することで、FallbackIntent カテゴリ内に表示されるドメイン外リクエストを分析することができます。これにより、スキルに期待されている発話や機能を判断し、必要に応じてドメイン外モデルを微調整することが可能となります。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>以下は、</strong><strong>AMAZON.FallbackIntent</strong><strong>がどのように機能するかを示す例です</strong>。</p> <p><strong>ユーザー:</strong> <strong>アレクサ、トリッププランを開いて</strong><br /> <em><strong>Alexa</strong><strong>:</strong> 旅行を計画しましょう。目的地はどこですか?</em></p> <p><br /> <strong>ユーザー: 札幌の天気を教えて </strong>(この発話は、トリッププランのどのインテントとも一致しません)<br /> Alexaはこの発話をインテントにマッピングできる確率が低いと判断したため、スキルにAMAZON.FallbackIntentを送信します。</p> <p><br /> <em><strong>Alexa</strong><strong>:</strong> トリッププランスキルではその質問にはお答えできませんが、フライトを調べたり、旅行の計画の手伝いをしたりすることはできます。どこに行きますか?</em> (応答にスキルの名前を含めて、ユーザーを正しくガイドします)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>AMAZON.FallbackIntent</strong><strong>はどのように機能しますか?</strong></h3> <p>AMAZON.FallbackIntentがスキルに追加されると、Alexaの機械学習を使用してスキルの既存のインテントとサンプル発話を自動的に評価し、そのスキルに固有のドメイン外モデルを作成します。 AMAZON.FallbackIntentは、サンプル発話を追加し、拡張することもできます。これにより、開発者は必要に応じてドメイン外モデルを微調整できます。 Alexaがある発話をカスタムインテントのいずれかにマッピングできる確率が高いと判断すると、そのインテントが選択されます。一方、発話がスキルのドメイン外(スキルでは意味をなさない)である確率が高いと判断すると、AlexaはAMAZON.FallbackIntentを選択します。すべてのインテントに対して信頼度が非常に低い場合(音声が不明瞭な場合や雑音が入った場合など)は、かわりに再プロンプトが出される可能性があります。その後、スキルバックエンドは AMAZON.FallbackIntent リクエストを受け取り、適切な指示やガイダンスで応答することができます。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>AMAZON.FallbackIntent のドメイン外モデルは、スキルのモデルと、既存のサンプルデータのテンプレートから自動的に生成されます。 ドメイン外モデルはモデルのビルドごとに再生成され、他のインテントへの変更を自動的に組み込みます。(インタラクションモデルの改善に応じて自動的に更新されます。)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>AMAZON.FallbackIntent</strong><strong>をスキルに追加する方法</strong></h3> <p>Alexa 開発者コンソール上でAMAZON.FallbackIntentを追加し、インタラクションモデルを更新します。</p> <p>その後、対応するIntent handler をスキルバックエンドに追加します。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="AddFallbackIntent.png" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>他のビルトインインテントと同様に、バックエンドにハンドラを実装する必要があります。 通常これは、ユーザーのリクエストがスキルでは対応できないものであることをユーザーに知らせ、そのスキルの機能に戻るためのガイダンスを提供するプロンプトとなります。また、プロンプトでは、自分がどのスキルと対話しているのかをユーザーが再度認識できるようにする必要があります。以下は ASK SDK for Node.jsを使用したサンプルです。</p> <p><img alt="FallbackIntent_node_sample.png" src="" /></p> <p>さらに詳しい情報については、こちらの<a href="">テクニカルドキュメント</a>を参照してください。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>AMAZON.PhoneNumber (ベータ) AMAZON.Ordinal (</strong><strong>ベータ</strong><strong>) </strong><strong>が利用可能になりました</strong></h3> <p>ビルトインスロットタイプを使用して電話番号と序数値をキャプチャする機能が、すべてのロケールに拡張されました。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="">AMAZON.PhoneNumber</a> (ベータ) は、電話番号を表す数字または単語を句読点なしの文字列形式に変換し、国際電話番号、国番号、および地域の電話番号形式をサポートします。</p> <p><a href="">AMAZON.Ordinal</a> (ベータ) は、序数を表す単語を数字に変換します (例:「三番目」から 3)。音声による要素の選択など、複数のユースケースで役立ちます。 これにより、ユーザーはデバイス画面上のビジュアルコンポーネントをよりシームレスに操作できます。 たとえば、Ordinalインテントは、リスト選択をサポートすることができます(例:「二番目のアイテムを選択する」、「四番目のアイテムを選択する」)</p> <p><img alt="ordinal.png" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>関連コンテンツ</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">AMAZON.FallbackIntent テクニカルドキュメント</a></li> <li><a href="">AMAZON.FallbackIntentとインテントリクエスト履歴</a></li> <li><a href="">スロットタイプリファレンス</a></li> <li><a href="">Alexa Skills Kit (ASK)</a></li> <li><a href="">Alexa </a><a href="">開発者フォーラム</a></li> </ul> /blogs/alexa/post/d880c3c0-8039-4eff-9db1-2912098745d5/understanding-alexa-skill-analytics-answers-to-frequently-asked-questions Understanding Alexa Skill Analytics: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Kimberly Pousman 2019-11-21T17:00:00+00:00 2019-12-06T18:13:08+00:00 <p>&nbsp;<img alt="blog_analytics-faq_954x240.png" src="" /></p> <p>So, you’ve published a skill to the Alexa Skills Store and now customers are using it. What’s next? With the metrics dashboard, you can measure how customers are interacting with your skill so you can continue improving their experience over time.</p> <p><img alt="blog_analytics-faq_954x240.png" src="" /></p> <p>So, you’ve published a skill to the Alexa Skills Store and now customers are using it. What’s next? With the metrics dashboard, you can measure how customers are interacting with your skill so you can continue improving their experience over time. To help you get the most out of the metrics dashboard, this post walks through some of the top questions we get from the developer community about it.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="margin-left:31.5pt">1. Why is the number of Unique Customers and User Enablements different?</h2> <ul> <li><strong><em>User Enablements</em></strong> refers to the total number of unique users who enabled the skill. Some users might enable your skill, but not launch it. It’s important to note that user accounts are not unique to the device. If a single user enabled the skill from both Alexa app and Alexa Skills Store, it will be counted as one user enablement.</li> <li><strong><em>Unique Customers </em></strong>are determined by Alexa user accounts, not devices. If a customer launches your skill on multiple devices that are all registered to the same user account, this is counted as one Unique Customer.</li> </ul> <p>Another reason why these numbers are different is that some users might have enabled your skill, but not launched it yet. Only users who launch a skill are included in the count of Unique Customers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="Elena_post_1.png" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="margin-left:31.5pt">2. How can I customize my skill dashboard to view the analytics data over time?</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>You can customize your reporting by selecting the <strong>Custom range</strong> button and choosing the time frame that you want to see. You can also use the <strong>Time Interval</strong> controls to change the date range (today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, or by selecting a custom date range). Using the <strong>Aggregation Period</strong> drop-down list, you can change how the data is grouped (every 15 minutes, hourly, daily, or weekly).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="Elena_post_2.png" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="margin-left:31.5pt">3. Why does the number of Unique Customers change depending on how the data is aggregated?</h2> <p><br /> The number of Unique Customers changes depending on how you aggregate the data: per hour, per day, or per week. For example, consider the following scenario in which several customers use the same skill in the same day:</p> <ul> <li>Customer A uses the skill at 1:00 AM.</li> <li>Customers B and C both use the skill at 11:00 AM.</li> <li>Customer B uses the skill again at 3:00 PM.</li> </ul> <p>When you aggregate the data by hour, you see one Unique Customer at 1:00 AM, two Unique Customers at 11:00 AM, and one unique customer at 3:00 PM. However, when you aggregate the data by day, you see a total of three Unique Customers. Thus, adding together the number of Unique Customers per hour does not necessarily give you the number of Unique Customers per day, because it doesn't account for repeat users. The metrics that you see on the <strong>Analytics</strong> page <em>do</em> account for repeat customers, which can help explain why you see differences when you aggregate the data differently.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The <a href=""><strong>Summary</strong></a> section of the <strong>Analytics</strong> page shows the total number of Unique Customers for the entire date range that you select.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2 style="margin-left:31.5pt">4. Can I see the total metrics for all of a skill's locales or languages in one place?</h2> <p><br /> Yes. In the language drop-down list in the upper left, choose <strong>All</strong> to see combined metrics for all of the languages and locales in which your skill is available:</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="Elena_post_3(1).png" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>5. How long does it take for the data on the Analytics page to update?</h2> <p><br /> All metrics data is refreshed every two hours, with the exception of the retention metrics (refreshed weekly) and the enablements metrics (refreshed daily).</p> <h2>6. Can I export the data?</h2> <p><br /> Yes, you can export charts, grids, and other metrics visualizations as PNG or JPEG images. You can also download the raw data in CSV format.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="Elena_post_4.png" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Got More Questions?</h2> <p><br /> Don’t worry, we're here to help. If you run into more questions while using the metrics dashboard, a good place to start is the <a href="">frequently asked questions about skill metrics</a>. You can also post questions and chat with other Alexa skill developers on our <a href="">developer forum,</a> or connect with us through our <a href=";sc_channel=website&amp;sc_publisher=devportal&amp;sc_campaign=Conversion_Contact-Us&amp;sc_assettype=conversion&amp;sc_team=us&amp;sc_traffictype=organic&amp;sc_country=united-states&amp;sc_segment=all&amp;sc_itrackingcode=100020_us_website&amp;sc_detail=blog-alexa">contact form</a>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>You can monitor the performance of your skill through usage metrics available to you in on the Analytics page in the developer console. These metrics give you useful information about how customers are using your skill, and can help guide your decisions on how to design your skill in order to improve the experience.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Related Content</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li> <li><a href="">Alexa developer console</a></li> <li><a href="">Developer </a><a href="">Forum</a></li> <li><a href="">Explore the Metrics Dashboard</a></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> /blogs/alexa/post/61d5a2dd-a0af-4bc4-b2b5-d1c7b5bc6e0f/in-skill-purchasing-isp-now-available-in-france-italy-and-spain In-Skill Purchasing (ISP) Now Available in France, Italy, and Spain Andrea Muttoni 2019-11-20T09:19:59+00:00 2019-11-20T12:22:03+00:00 <p><img alt="In-Skill Purchasing (ISP) Now Available in France, Italy, and Spain" src="" /></p> <p>We are delighted to announce that in-skill purchasing (ISP) is now generally available for Alexa skills published in France, Italy and Spain.&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="In-Skill Purchasing (ISP) Now Available in France, Italy, and Spain" src="" /></p> <p>We are delighted to announce that In-Skill Purchasing (ISP) is now generally available for Alexa skills published in France, Italy and Spain! That means you can now earn money by offering premium content in your Alexa skills published in those countries as well. For example, users can purchase virtual game products, unlockable features and add-on content&nbsp;while seamlessly interacting with the voice experience. You define your offering and price, and Alexa handles the voice-first purchasing flow. We also provide self-service tools to manage your in-skill products and optimize your sales performance over time.<br /> <br /> ISP currently supports one-time purchases for entitlements that unlock access to features or content in your skill, subscriptions that offer access to premium features or content for a period of time, and consumables, which can be purchased, depleted and purchased again.</p> <p><strong>One-time purchases</strong> unlock access to features or content in a skill. Customers purchase the content once for an entitlement that does not expire. A few local examples are:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Mentalshock (Italy)</a>: an engaging interactive story where players have to explore a futuristic world full of danger and intrigue. The first part is free and the second is unlockable for €1.99. The skill also offers hints for €0.99.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Hablando se aprende - las tildes (Spain)</a>: This fun game lets you guess where the accent mark (&aacute;, &eacute;, &iacute;, &oacute;, &uacute;) should be placed in a word. For only €0.99 the skill also provides corrections and tips to learn more effectively.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Cin&eacute; Quizz (France)</a>: this original quiz has 200 movie’s extracts in its database and is perfect to play with friends and family.</li> </ul> <p>With an in-skill<strong> subscription,</strong> you can offer access to premium features or content for a period of time. Subscriptions support free trials (1 to 31 days) and two billing cycles: monthly or yearly. Examples include:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Trova Telefono (Italy)</a>: a handy skill that calls your phone when you can’t find it around your home. You can now get unlimited uses for €4.99 per year.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Sleep Sounds</a><a href="" target="_blank">: Rain</a> (available in <a href="" target="_blank">France</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Italy</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Spain</a>): Skill plays calming rain sound loops to help you fall asleep faster, sleep better, relax, meditate, or drown out distracting noises. With the premium subscription you can&nbsp;enjoy Premium sound quality and enhanced looping to listen longer.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Rueda de letras (Spain)</a>: this fun vocabulary game allows to unlock new game categories for only €1.99/week or €3.99/month.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Consumables</strong> can be purchased, depleted, and purchased again. This feature is often used to monetize game hints, extra lives or special items for an adventure game. Examples of skills using consumables include:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Quiz Treccani (Italy)</a>: this devilishly challenging quiz around Italian grammar and etymology offers three daily games, and an additional five games can be unlocked for €0.99.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Quiz Vero o Falso</a><a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=EUISP&amp;sc_publisher=WB&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Visit&amp;sc_country=EU&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_EUISP_WB_Content_Visit_EU_FRITESDevs&amp;sc_segment=FRITESDevs" target="_blank"> (Italy):</a> the free version of this trivia allows 3 wrong answers everyday, and additional 10 lives can be unlocked for €0.99.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Lemonade Stand </a>(available in <a href="" target="_blank">France</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Italy </a>and <a href="" target="_blank">Spain</a>): Lemonade Stand is a simple business simulation. The game is easy to play, players run a lemonade stand and make business decisions every day. It is possible to protect the lemonade stand during a thunderstorm by buying a 10 umbrellas consumable package for €0.99.</li> </ul> <p>A skill may use different product types together e.g. individual one-time purchases for unlocking specific features/content, and a subscription to unlock all premium features/content.</p> <h2>Getting Started with In-Skill Purchasing</h2> <p>To help you get started with In-Skill Purchasing, we have put together a free guide which you can consult. You can download the guide in your preferred language (Click on the link to go to the preferred version: <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=FRITES ISP&amp;sc_publisher=Blog&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Start&amp;sc_country=FR&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_FRITES ISP_Blog_Content_Start_FR_Developer Blog visitors&amp;sc_segment=Developer Blog visitors" target="_blank">French</a>, <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=FRITES ISP&amp;sc_publisher=Blog&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Start&amp;sc_country=IT&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_FRITES ISP_Blog_Content_Start_IT_Developer Blog visitors&amp;sc_segment=Developer Blog visitors" target="_blank">Italian</a>, <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=FRITES ISP&amp;sc_publisher=Blog&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Start&amp;sc_country=ES&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_FRITES ISP_Blog_Content_Start_ES_Developer Blog visitors&amp;sc_segment=Developer Blog visitors" target="_blank">Spanish</a>). Other useful&nbsp;resources:</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">How to design for In-Skill Purchasing</a></li> <li>Sample Code on GitHub: <a href="" target="_blank">Premium Hello World</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Premium Facts</a></li> </ul> <h2>Resources</h2> <ul> <li>Starter Kit: How to Make Money with Alexa Skills:&nbsp;<a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=FRITES ISP&amp;sc_publisher=Blog&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Start&amp;sc_country=FR&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_FRITES ISP_Blog_Content_Start_FR_Developer Blog visitors&amp;sc_segment=Developer Blog visitors" target="_blank">France</a>, <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=FRITES ISP&amp;sc_publisher=Blog&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Start&amp;sc_country=IT&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_FRITES ISP_Blog_Content_Start_IT_Developer Blog visitors&amp;sc_segment=Developer Blog visitors" target="_blank">Italy</a> and <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=FRITES ISP&amp;sc_publisher=Blog&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Start&amp;sc_country=ES&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_FRITES ISP_Blog_Content_Start_ES_Developer Blog visitors&amp;sc_segment=Developer Blog visitors" target="_blank">Spain</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Best practices for designing a premium customer experience</a></li> <li>Developer Story: <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=EUISP&amp;sc_publisher=WB&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Visit&amp;sc_country=EU&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_EUISP_WB_Content_Visit_EU_FRITESDevs&amp;sc_segment=FRITESDevs">With In-Skill Purchasing, Gal Shenar Sets His Growing Voice Business Up for Long-Term Success</a></li> <li>Developer Story: <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=EUISP&amp;sc_publisher=WB&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Visit&amp;sc_country=EU&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_EUISP_WB_Content_Visit_EU_FRITESDevs&amp;sc_segment=FRITESDevs">Musicplode Media Uses In-Skill Purchasing to Turn Its “Beat the Intro” Voice Game into a Hit for Alexa Customers</a></li> <li>Developer Story: <a href=";sc_category=Owned&amp;sc_channel=WB&amp;sc_campaign=EUISP&amp;sc_publisher=WB&amp;sc_content=Content&amp;sc_funnel=Visit&amp;sc_country=EU&amp;sc_medium=Owned_WB_EUISP_WB_Content_Visit_EU_FRITESDevs&amp;sc_segment=FRITESDevs">Hypno Therapist Alexa Skill Uses In-Skill Purchasing to Reach More Customers and Build a Business</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Test your in-skill purchase</a> before you <a href="" target="_blank">submit it for certification</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Set up tax forms</a> for payment purposes</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Measure skill usage and earnings</a> with the analytics dashboard within the Developer Console</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> /blogs/alexa/post/1485655a-84d8-45ea-b396-9140bcd5d735/apply-for-the-alexa-web-api-for-games-developer-preview Apply for the Alexa Web API for Games Developer Preview Catherine Gao 2019-11-18T22:32:47+00:00 2019-11-19T17:09:41+00:00 <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:480px; width:1908px" /></p> <p>The Alexa Web API for Games (Preview) introduces web technologies and tools to create visually rich and interactive voice-controlled game experiences.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>The Alexa Web API for Games (Preview) introduces web technologies and tools to create visually rich and interactive voice-controlled game experiences. With the Alexa Web API for Games, you’ll be able to build for multimodal devices using HTML and web technologies like Canvas 2D, WebAudio, WebGL, JavaScript, and CSS. <a href="" target="_blank">You can apply to participate here</a>.</p> <h2><strong>Build Games with Web Technologies</strong></h2> <p>With Alexa Web API for Games, you can take advantage of your knowledge of existing web technologies to create high-end voice based games with HTML/CSS/Javascript or 3D experiences with WebGL. You can build a custom Alexa skill that starts a web application (web app). The web app will be displayed on the device and can communicate with the skill to handle voice requests and react to local events like the microphone opening and closing. Customers can interact with the web app using a variety of modes such as voice through the skill, touch on devices with touch screens, and remotes on Fire TVs.</p> <p>Ticket to Ride, Masamune’s Room, Lemonade Stand, and Goal Scorer&nbsp;are game skills that were built using Alexa Web API for Games:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Ticket to Ride </strong>(<a href="" target="_blank">UK</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">US</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">FR</a>) and <strong>Ticket to Ride Europe </strong>(<a href="" target="_blank">UK</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">US</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">FR</a>): New companion game for the popular Ticket to Ride board game by Days of Wonder. You can ask Alexa to provide interactive tutorials, keep score or even play the game with you.</li> <li><strong>政宗の部屋 (Masamune's Room)</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank">JP</a>): Based on the mobile game Ikemen Sengoku: Romances Across Time, Masamune’s Room is a life simulation game from Cybird, Inc. You can experience living with Japanese Sengoku warlord, Masamune Date.</li> <li><strong>Lemonade Stand</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank">DE</a>): Business simulation game from Kr&ouml;goor Entertainment that allows the customer to run a lemonade stand and make business decisions every day. You can play the game in single player mode or with up to eight people.</li> <li><strong>Elfmeterschie&szlig;en (Goal Scorer) </strong>(<a href="" target="_blank">DE</a>): Sports game that lets customers enjoy the excitement of a soccer penalty shoot-out as if they were playing against the best teams at the World Cup.</li> </ul> <p>Alexa Web API for Games will be supported on Echo Show devices and select Fire TVs*. If you want to build visual experiences that can reach all Alexa multimodal devices today, use the <a href="" target="_blank">Alexa Presentation Language (APL)</a>.</p> <h2><strong>Developer Preview Details</strong></h2> <p>Developers in the preview will have access to the Alexa.Presentation.HTML interface and the Alexa JavaScript API. To be considered for the program, you must meet the following criteria:</p> <ol> <li>You want to build a game or game-like experience that ensures that voice is the central mode of interaction in the player experience and adds to the experience in a material and innovative way.</li> <li>You are willing to support your game on Echo Show devices and Fire TVs.</li> <li>You are willing to provide a fallback experience for devices that don’t support Alexa Web API for Games.</li> </ol> <p>Please <a href="" target="_blank">follow the Alexa developer blog</a> to get the latest updates regarding Alexa Web API for Games.</p> <h2><strong>Apply for the Developer Preview</strong></h2> <p>You can apply to participate in the Alexa Web API for Games developer preview by telling us about your game in this <a href="" target="_blank">short survey</a>, and we’ll notify you if your application is selected.</p> <p><sup>*Alexa Web API for Games will be supported on Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV with 4K Ultra HD and Alexa Voice Remote, and Fire TV Cube.</sup></p> /blogs/alexa/post/5cc1c25e-71f4-4671-abe0-f9c5679049ba/build-voice-games-with-html-and-existing-web-technologies-jp Alexa Web API for Gamesプレビュー版に応募しよう Chisato Hiroki 2019-11-18T22:00:00+00:00 2019-11-18T23:49:40+00:00 <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:480px; width:1908px" /></p> <p>Alexa Web API for Games(プレビュー版)は、視覚的にリッチで、音声でインタラクティブに制御できるゲームを作成するためのウェブ技術とツールを導入します。Alexa Web API for Games を使うと、HTMLやCanvas 2D、WebAudio、WebGL、JavaScript、CSSなどのウェブ技術を使用してマルチモーダルデバイス向けにスキルを開発できます。</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Alexa Web API for Games(プレビュー版)は、視覚的にリッチで、音声でインタラクティブに制御できるゲームを作成するためのウェブ技術とツールを導入します。Alexa Web API for Games を使うと、HTMLやCanvas 2D、WebAudio、WebGL、JavaScript、CSSなどのウェブ技術を使用してマルチモーダルデバイス向けにスキルを開発できます。開発者プレビューのお申し込みは<a href="">こちら</a>(英語)。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>ウェブ技術を用いたゲームの開発</strong></h2> <p>Alexa Web API for Gamesを使用すると、既存のウェブ技術のノウハウを活用して、ハイエンドのHTMLおよびJavaScriptベースの音声ゲームを作成できます。この技術を用いてカスタムスキルを開発すると、ウェブアプリが起動し、デバイスの画面に表示され、スキルを通して音声リクエストを処理することができます。</p> <p>ユーザーはスキルによる音声、タッチスクリーンつきデバイスへのタッチ、Fire TVのリモコンなど、さまざまな手段でウェブアプリを操作できます。</p> <p>Ticket to Ride、政宗の部屋、Lemonade Standは、Alexa Web API for Gamesを使用して構築されたスキルです。</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Ticket to Ride </a>(英国、米国、フランス)と<a href="">Ticket to Ride Europe</a><strong>&nbsp;</strong>(英国、米国、フランス): Days of Wonderによる人気のボードゲーム、Ticket to Rideをサポートするスキルです。インタラクティブなチュートリアルの提供、スコアの維持、ゲームのプレイを依頼することができます。</li> <li><a href="">政宗の部屋</a>(日本): 株式会社サイバードによる恋愛シミュレーションゲーム「イケメン戦国◆時をかける恋」を元にしたスキルで、伊達政宗との生活を体験できます。このスキルではリッチな視覚および音声コンテンツを追求しており、時間帯や季節によって背景が変わります。</li> <li><a href="">Lemonade Stand</a>(ドイツ、米国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン):Kr&ouml;goor Entertainmentによる、ビジネスシミュレーション型のゲームです。ユーザーがレモネードスタンドを運営し、ビジネス上の意思決定を行います。プレイヤーモードまたは最大8人でゲームをプレイすることができます。</li> <li><a href="">Elfmeterschie&szlig;en</a> (Goal Scorer) (ドイツ): 世界で一番強いサッカーチームに対して、PK戦をするような興奮を楽しめるスポーツゲームです。</li> </ul> <p>Alexa Web API for GamesはEcho Showデバイスや一部のFire TV*でサポートされています。すべての画面付きデバイスで表示可能な視覚コンテンツを提供する場合は、 <a href="">Alexa Presentation Language(APL)</a>を使用してください。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>開発者プレビューの詳細</strong></h2> <p>プレビューに選ばれた開発者はAlexa.Presentation.HTML インターフェースとAlexa JavaScript APIにアクセスできます。このプログラムへ登録するには、以下の条件を満たす必要があります。</p> <ol> <li>プレイヤーのエクスペリエンスにおいて音声がインタラクションの中心となるようにする。ゲームまたはゲームに似たエクスペリエンスを実質的で、イノベーティブな方法で提供する。</li> <li>Echo ShowデバイスおよびFire TV向けをサポートしたゲームを提供する。</li> <li>Alexa Web API for Gamesをサポートしていないデバイスについては、代替となるエクスペリエンスを提供する。</li> </ol> <p>最新のAlexa Web API for Gamesに関するニュースは、<a href="">Alexa開発者ブログ</a>でご確認ください。&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>開発者プレビューに申し込む</strong></h2> <p>Alexa Web API for Gamesの開発者プレビューへの登録を申請するには、<a href="">短いアンケート</a>であなたのゲームについて教えてください。プレビューに選ばれた場合は、お知らせいたします。</p> <p>*Alexa Web API for GamesをサポートしているFire TVシリーズはFire TV Stick 4K、Fire TV with 4K Ultra HD、Fire TV Cubeになります。</p> /blogs/alexa/post/bf890094-f539-4e4c-b2d3-79a692f1fe62/new-alexa-skills-training-course-how-to-build-a-multimodal-skill New Alexa Skills Training Course: How to Build a Multimodal Skill Catherine Gao 2019-11-13T20:40:06+00:00 2020-06-22T23:05:20+00:00 <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:480px; width:1908px" /></p> <p>We’re excited to introduce a new Alexa Skills training course called How to Build a Multimodal Alexa Skill. This self-paced course is free and available to anyone ready to build skills using Alexa Presentation Language (APL).</p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:480px; width:1908px" /></p> <p><em><strong>Editor’s Note: </strong>We have changed the name of the Alexa skill in our beginner tutorial from Cake Walk to Cake Time given the term’s racially insensitive history.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>We’re excited to introduce a new Alexa skills training course called How to Build a Multimodal Alexa Skill. This self-paced course is free and available to anyone ready to build skills using Alexa Presentation Language (APL). <a href="" target="_blank">APL</a> is a design language and set of tools that make it easy to create visually rich Alexa skills for devices with screens. There are more than 100 million Alexa devices, including Echo devices such as the Echo Spot and Echo Show, Fire TVs, Fire Tablets, and devices from other manufacturers with Alexa built-in like the Lenovo Smart Tab devices and LG TVs.&nbsp;If you’re unfamiliar with building skills, start with the <a href="" target="_blank">Cake Time course</a>. If you are familiar with building skills, you can get started now with the <a href="" target="_blank">How to Build a Multimodal Alexa Skill</a> course.</p> <h2>Enhance Your Voice Experience with New Modalities</h2> <p>When you build a multimodal Alexa skill, you combine voice, touch, text, images, animation, audio, and video in a single experience. Adding new modalities can enhance voice experiences and make skills more engaging and interactive for customers. You can bring your branding visually to customers and provide unique interactions not possible with a voice-only design, helping your skill to stand out to your customers.<br /> <br /> In the Cake Time&nbsp;course, you build a skill that counts down the days until it is your birthday. When it is your birthday, Cake Time&nbsp;will deliver a special message. In the new course, you will make your own version of this skill, enhanced with images, animations, text, and a special birthday video.</p> <h2>Course Components</h2> <p>The course will introduce the important concepts of multimodal skill design:</p> <ul> <li> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Why Build Multimodal Alexa Skills</strong></a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Build Your First Visuals with the APL Authoring Tool</strong></a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Modify Your Backend to Add LaunchRequest Visuals</strong></a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Create More Visuals with Less</strong></a></p> </li> <li> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Add Animation and Video Control</strong></a></p> </li> <li> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Wrapping Up &amp; Resources</a><a href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;</a></strong></p> </li> </ul> <p>Each part includes step-by-step instructions so you can easily apply the course material to your skill.</p> <h2>More Training Opportunities to Enhance Your Skills</h2> <p>Once you have completed the Cake Time&nbsp;series, continue to learn with these additional training materials:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Alexa Design Guide</a>:</strong> Learn the principles of situational voice design so that you can create voice-first skills that are natural and customer-centric.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">How to Design for In-Skill Purchasing</a></strong>: Learn best practices, tips, and resources for In Skill Purchasing (ISP) design.</p> </li> </ul> <h2>Get Started with How to Build a Multimodal Alexa Skill</h2> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Click here</strong></a> to get started. And let us know what you think! You can also join us on our Twitch stream on November 21st, 2019 at 9:00 AM&nbsp;PST. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter <a href="">@JoeMoCode</a> to share comments and feedback, or send your APL questions to <a href="" target="_blank">the ASK Developer Forums</a>.</p> /blogs/alexa/post/fc5beed9-3337-4aa9-8673-1eb3fac7b156/how-to-prepare-your-skill-for-certification-5-tips-for-success How to Prepare Your Skill for Certification: 5 Tips for Success Kimberly Pousman 2019-11-12T17:00:00+00:00 2019-11-12T17:00:00+00:00 <p><img alt="AlexaConversationsheader.png" src="" /></p> <h3><img alt="AlexaConversationsheader.png" src="" /></h3> <p>Certifying your Alexa skill means getting it published to the Alexa Skills Store, which allows it to become publicly available to customers so that they can find, enable, and interact with it. This is an important final step in the building process of your skill, as it presents it to the audience that you’ve spent so much time and effort building it for. Before your skill can be published, however, it must be submitted for certification and pass review. There can be a lot of information to keep in mind before this step, and if you’re working against a deadline, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve got all of your bases covered to get it through the certification process in time. Here are some tips to set you up for a successful certification process.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>Tip #1: Add Pertinent Information to Your Skill’s Testing Instructions</h3> <h3 style="margin-left:0.25in"><img alt="Pic_1_blog(1).jpg" src="" /></h3> <p style="margin-left:.25in">&nbsp;</p> <p style="margin-left:.25in"><img alt="Pic_2_blog.jpg" src="" /></p> <p style="margin-left:.25in">The testing instructions field for your skill is located in the developer console’s <strong>Distribution</strong> tab under <strong>Privacy &amp; Compliance</strong> and is crucial in helping to move your skill through publication. Think of it as a means to communicate directly with the certification team, providing information that they may need during the testing of your skill. Here are some examples of what you should add there:</p> <ul> <li> <ul> <li><a href="">Account linking test credentials</a> if your skill implements the <a href="">account linking feature</a></li> <li>Contact Us case ID numbers and an overview of correspondences opened through the <a href="">developer support channel</a> that may be relevant to your skill’s certification</li> <li>External links to <a href="">IP rights documentation</a> (such as proof of trademark registration or a license agreement with the rights owner) if your skill uses a brand name, trademark, or other intellectual property</li> <li>A list of directives/commands your skill supports if your skill uses any <a href="">Smart Home APIs</a></li> <li>If your skill has a major behavior change based on an external factor (for example, a winter sports event skill that behaves differently during the summer), indicate that so testers can verify behavior before and after the factor</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3 style="margin-left:0.25in">Tip #2: Test Your Skill with the Alexa Simulator Using Voice as Well as Text</h3> <p style="margin-left:.25in">The <a href=""><strong>Test</strong> tab</a> in the developer console can be a very useful tool for identifying issues with your skill’s functionality. Many developers are aware of the text capability of the Alexa simulator, but it’s also important to use the voice option of this tool, because users will most likely be interacting with your skill exclusively through voice. To start, you will need to ensure that testing is enabled for your skill by selecting <strong>Development</strong> in the drop-down menu at the top of the <strong>Test</strong> tab for your skill. From there, you can click and hold the mic button in the input box and invoke your skill. Using this tool, you can launch and interact with it as a user would to gain insight into its functionality and usability (for example: <a href="">whether your invocation name is reliably understood</a>). If your skill doesn’t perform as intended, you can check your history in the Alexa app to find out exactly what the device is hearing and if Alexa was able to connect to your skill. <strong>History</strong> can be found in your Alexa app by navigating to the “hamburger” menu (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner, and then to <strong>Settings</strong> &gt; <strong>Account Settings</strong> &gt; <strong>History</strong>. To learn more about the Alexa Simulator, check out <a href="">this blog post</a>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3>Tip #3: Test All of Your Skill’s Defined Sample Utterances</h3> <p style="margin-left:.25in">It’s important to <a href="">test the utterances</a> for your skill to ensure that they have a user-friendly flow within the skill’s functionality. Try to imagine how a new user of your skill would interact with it. You will want your skill to engage the user and give them a relevant response for each request. If you experience any recognition issues while testing, check that your <a href="">sample utterances</a> and <a href="">slot values</a> are correctly formatted. For slot values in particular, keep in mind that acronyms and other phrases involving spoken letters should either be in all caps (&quot;HD&quot;) or separated by periods and spaces (&quot;h. d. &quot;). Using lowercase formatting for initialisms may lead to unreliable recognition since the spoken form may not be correctly detected.</p> <p style="margin-left:.25in">It’s also important to manage your sessions within your skill so that they react appropriately to the user’s interaction. When requesting a response from the user, your skill will <a href="">prompt the user</a> with a question and their Alexa-enabled device will wait for a voice response. If your skill doesn’t provide this prompt before keeping a session open, the user may not understand that a response is being requested from them, and they won’t know how to interact with your skill properly. Similarly, make sure that your skill’s session closes when a user’s request is completed. Check out our <a href="">documentation on managing skill sessions</a> for more information.</p> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h3>Tip #4: Test Each Language Model for Your Skill</h3> <p style="margin-left:.25in">If you’ve added multiple languages to your skill, you’ll want to test the functionality for each language model to ensure they’re all working as intended. To do this, you can <a href="">switch between languages with the language drop-down</a> for your skill in the developer console and use the Alexa Simulator in the <strong>Test</strong> tab. Do be aware that there are some <a href="">limitations to the Simulator</a>, however, such as not having the ability to render audio or video playback and not supporting testing of flash briefing skills.</p> <p style="margin-left:.25in">You can also test the different language models on an Alexa-enabled device. If you decide to go this route, keep in mind that you many need to change the language setting for your device. You can do this in the Alexa app with the following steps:</p> <p style="margin-left:.5in; margin-right:0in">1. Open the Alexa app</p> <p style="margin-left:.5in; margin-right:0in">2. Tap the menu in the top left corner</p> <p style="margin-left:.5in; margin-right:0in">3. Tap <strong>Settings</strong></p> <p style="margin-left:.5in; margin-right:0in">4. Tap <strong>Device Settings</strong></p> <p style="margin-left:.5in; margin-right:0in">5. Tap your Alexa-enabled device</p> <p style="margin-left:.5in; margin-right:0in">6. Tap <strong>Language</strong> and choose the language that matches the version of your skill that you'd like to test</p> <p style="margin-left:.25in">Please note that not all devices support all language locales. In these instances, you can go to the <strong>Test</strong> tab in the developer console and use the voice option in the Alexa Simulator.</p> <p style="margin-left:.25in">It can be easy to overlook testing each language model, but it’s an important step to ensure users from all supported locales can navigate your skill successfully.</p> <h3 style="margin-left:0.25in">&nbsp;</h3> <h3>Tip #5: If Your Skill Requests Permissions from Your Users, Explain Why</h3> <p style="margin-left:.25in">Your skill can request various permissions from its users, and these permissions can include contact information such as their <a href="">name, email address, and phone number</a>. You can also request permissions through your skill for functionalities such as <a href="">Alexa Reminders</a>. When requesting these permissions, ensure that your skill provides detailed information as about why they’re needed and how users can enable them in the Alexa app. Configure your skill to provide a voice prompt similar to the sample messages listed in the <a href="">Alexa Skills Kit documentation</a> and display a <a href="">permissions card</a> for users to reference and provide consent. Your skill needs to be transparent in what it will be doing with a user’s information, as this will help customers understand how granting these permissions will improve the functionalities of your skill.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>With these tips in mind, your skill should be well prepared for the certification process. Please note that if your skill does fail review, certification feedback will be sent to your company email which may be different than your specific developer account login email. The company email address is located under Company Profile in your account's Settings tab. If you’re unable to view this tab, you must reach out to your account’s administrator.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Passing review is the final step in the skill-building process, and it’s one of the most important as it allows for your skill to be presented in a public setting for your customers to use. Without preparation, it can prove to be a lengthy procedure. We hope that these tips help you prepare for a swift, successful certification.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h4>Related Content</h4> <ul> <li><a href="">Tips for a Successful Alexa Skill Certification</a></li> <li><a href="">Test and Submit Your Skill for Certification</a></li> <li><a href="">Certification Requirements</a></li> <li><a href="">Quick Reference: Certify an Alexa Skill</a></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> /blogs/alexa/post/3c44c2f1-3818-4a20-bc61-be9b767aeea8/build-gadgets-games-and-smart-toys-with-the-alexa-gadgets-toolkit-now-available-everywhere-jp Alexa Gadgets Toolkitでガジェット、ゲーム、スマートトイを開発できるようになりました Chisato Hiroki 2019-11-12T08:00:00+00:00 2019-11-14T13:30:50+00:00 <p><img alt="Alexa Gadgets Toolkit" src="" /></p> <p><a href="">Alexa Gadgets Toolkit</a>が、Alexa搭載デバイスが販売されているすべてのマーケットプレイスで使用できるようになりました。</p> <p><img alt="Alexa Gadgets Toolkit" src="" /></p> <p>※このブログは<a href="">Build Gadgets, Games, and Smart Toys with the Alexa Gadgets Toolkit – Now Available Everywhere</a>の翻訳です。</p> <p><a href="">Alexa Gadgets Toolkit</a>が、Alexa搭載デバイスが販売されているすべてのマーケットプレイスで使用できるようになりました。オーストラリア、オーストリア、ブラジル、カナダ、フランス、ドイツ、インド、アイルランド、イタリア、日本、メキシコ、ニュージーランド、スペイン、英国、米国の開発者は、Echoコンパニオンデバイスを開発できるようになりました。エンドユーザーにとって面白く、楽しいエクスペリエンスを提供できます。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>世界中のユーザーが、重要な情報のリクエスト、タイマーとアラームの設定、お気に入りの音楽の再生など、週に数十億回もAlexaと対話しています。Alexa Gadgets Toolkitを使用すれば、Alexaの機能を強化したり、製品、Alexa、そしてエンドユーザーとの間に新しいインタラクティブなエクスペリエンスを作成する、コンパニオンデバイスを開発できます。Alexa Gadgets Toolkitを<a href="">スマートトイ(英文)、</a><a href="">スマートクロック(英文)</a>、ノベルティアクセサリーの作成に使用すれば、エンドユーザーにとって計り知れない楽しさ、エンターテイメント性、ユーティリティをもたらすことができます。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Alexa Gadgets Toolkitでできること</h2> <p>Alexa Gadgets Toolkitは、セルフサービスAPIと、互換性のあるEchoデバイスを使用してAlexaの機能のメタデータを公開するインターフェースを提供します。カスタムインターフェースを使用して、製品とペアリングされているEchoデバイスとの間に動的な双方向通信を作成したり、いくつかの定義済みインターフェースから選択して、Alexaの一般的な機能に反応する製品を開発します。</p> <ul> <li><strong>カスタムインターフェース</strong> 製品を互換性のあるEchoデバイスに接続すれば、動的な対話と没入型のエクスペリエンスを作成できるようになります。このAPIは、コンパニオンデバイスとそれに紐づけられたAlexaカスタムスキルとの間にプライベートチャネルを構築します。これにより、マーケットプレイスや言語に関係なく、他には見られないすばらしいエクスペリエンスをエンドユーザーに提供できます。 いくつかのアイデアをご紹介しましょう。 <ul> <li>スペインのユーザー向けにミニキーボードを作成します。Alexaをピアノ教師に見立て、音楽に合わせて対応するキーのライトを点灯させ、正しいキーを正しい順序で押したかどうか、フィードバックを提供します。 <a href="">詳細はこちら(英文)</a></li> <li>ドイツのユーザー向けにアレクサと接続したサッカーゲームやテーブルサッカーを作成します。「アレクサ、サッカーマニアを開いて試合を開始して」と言うとスコアボードのライトが点灯し、ユーザーが得点するとお祝いのサウンドが流れます。</li> <li>オーストラリア、インド、またはイギリスのユーザー向けに屋内ドローンを設計します。ユーザーが「アレクサ、私のドローンに8の字に飛んでと言って」と言うと、ドローンが部屋を飛び回ります。ドローンが着地すると、Alexaが曲を演奏します。</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p style="margin-left:18.0pt">&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li><strong>定義済みインターフェース:</strong> タイマーの設定、通知の受信、音楽の再生など、Alexaのネイティブ機能に応答するコンパニオンデバイスを開発します。 <a href="">Echo壁掛け時計</a><a href="">(英文)</a>を開発した 時、Amazonは定義済みインターフェースを使用して、Alexaタイマー、アラーム、リマインダー、通知のユーティリティを独自の視覚応答を使用して拡張しました。現在使用可能なインターフェースの一覧は以下のとおりです。 <ul> <li><strong>ウェイクワード検出:</strong> ウェイクワードが検出されたときに応答します。たとえば、カスタマーが「アレクサ」と言ったときに飛び出す鳩時計などです。</li> <li><strong>スピーチ:</strong> 体の動きをAlexaのテキスト読み上げと同期させます。たとえば、Alexaが指定された言語で現地の天気予報を読み上げ、ロボットがそれに合わせてリップシンクするなどです。</li> <li><strong>時間情報とアラート:</strong> 時間やタイマー、アラーム、リマインダーが設定またはトリガーされたときに応答します。たとえば、裏庭で遊ぶ時間が終了したときにチャイムを鳴らすアウトドアベル、アラームの時間になるたびにドッグフードを給餌するスイッチなどです。<a href="">サンプルを表示</a></li> <li><strong>通知:</strong> Alexaの通知機能に反応します。Echoデバイスが通知を受信したときに旗が上がり、すべての通知を聞き終わったり、削除したときに旗が下がる仕組みなどです。<a href="" target="_blank">サンプルを表示</a></li> <li><strong>ミュージック(ベータ):</strong> 世界中のユーザーがAmazon Musicでお気に入りの曲を再生中すると流れる、ビジュアルパフォーマンスを作成します。たとえば、Echoデバイスで音楽を聴くと、フラダンスを踊る女の子の動画が再生されます。</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Alexa Gadgets Toolkitには、製品とペアリングされたEchoデバイス間の直接ペアリング、接続、通信、無線(OTA)の更新を簡単に行える<a href="">技術資料</a>と<a href="">サンプルコード</a>も含まれています。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="LEGO" src="" style="float:right" /></p> <h2>Alexa Gadgets Toolkitで今すぐ開発を始める</h2> <p>Alexa Gadgets Toolkitで開発を始めるには、Raspberry PiとPythonベースのソリューションにアクセスします。このソリューションには、サンプルアプリケーションと、試作品の接続や接続準備を簡単にするステップガイドが含まれています。接続すると、試作品とサーボ、ボタン、ライトなどの既製のコンポーネントを柔軟に組み合わせられるようになります。リソースをご紹介します。</p> <p>1. <a href="">リソースライブラリ</a> <a href="">(英文)</a></p> <p>2.<a href="">技術資料</a></p> <p>3.<a href="">カスタムインターフェースを使用したサンプルアプリケーションとステップガイド</a><a href="">(英文)</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>今すぐ製品の開発を開始して、まだAlexaに接続されていない、楽しくてインタラクティブなカテゴリーで、最初の製品を作り上げてください。 <a href="">サインアップ</a>すると、Alexa Gadgets Toolkitの最新更新情報と今後公開される新機能の情報(英文)を受け取ることができます。 Alexaユーザーに向けてどのようなものが開発されるか、楽しみにしています。</p>