Developer Console

Get Catalog Upload Status

As your company uses Amazon’s retail technology, you will need to provide Amazon with a catalog of detailed product information for the products you sell and keep this information up-to-date. You can update your catalog manually using the 3PCC Portal or you can use our Catalog API, which allows you to programmatically update your catalog through a simple REST API. This spec will assist you in automating your catalog updates using the Amazon Catalog API.

Note: In the future, new attributes might be added. We recommend that you structure your code so that it can handle new attributes gracefully


Get Catalog Upload Status

POST /v1/catalog/getCatalogUploadStatus

The GetCatalogUploadStatus API method allows you to get the status of your catalog upload.

Body parameter

  "ingestionId": "string"
Data Field Required Description
ingestionId Required <= 255 characters. Unique ID for a catalog upload to Amazon systems. Amazon will generate a unique id for each catalog upload

Example responses

200 Response

  "processingStatus": "string",
  "reportDownloadLink": "string"
Data Field Required Description
processingStatus Required string. Catalog upload status: DONE, INQUEUE, INPROGRESS, CANCELLED and FATAL
reportDownloadLink Required string. Catalog processing report download link

Example responses

Status Meaning Description
200 OK processingStatus: Catalog upload status: DONE, INQUEUE, INPROGRESS, CANCELLED and FATAL, reportDownloadLink: Catalog processing report download link
400 Bad Request You will receive a 400 error message when the API call fails due to a validation error.
429 Too Many Requests You will receive a 429 error message when the API is called too many times. When you receive a 429 error due to multiple calls to the API you will receive the following response. errorMsg: Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error You will receive a 500 error message when the API call fails due to an error.