Alexa Champions

Recognizing Top Alexa Developers in the Community

Javier Campos

Valencia, Spain

Javier is Co-founder of Mobilendo (2010), an Alfatec Group company, specialized in mobility solutions, with more than 200 apps published. He has been a mobile app developer since 2008. His current role in Mobilendo is CTO and Product Manager of the FUIFI app. Javier is an Alexa enthusiast and has published skills related to health, sustainability, education and senior citizens. From the beginning he shares the source code of many of these skills, maintains a template to create new skills and publishes tutorials about Alexa in Spanish. He has received awards in 3 hackathons developing Alexa skills.

Javier is a Computer Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) and has participated as a professor in the Master of Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing.

Published Skills

  • "Don't waste food" ("Nevera Estado" in Spanish). Say here the food you buy, when you opened it and when it expires. You will waste less food and avoid possible food poisoning. This skill was awarded in "Amazon Alexa Skill Challenge in-Skill Purchasing".
  • "Driving Test" ("Test Autoescuela" in Spanish). This Alexa skill asks you questions to practice the Spanish driving license exam, so you can be a better driver.
  • "Chistes Buenos". Skill with many jokes in Spanish organized by categories. 
  • "Información medicamentos". This Alexa skill shows the leaflet of thousands of medicines sold in Spain, it connects with the Spanish medication agency. 

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