Developer Console

Charge Calculation Setup


Design Considerations

The following list includes design considerations for your solution to ensure resiliency and operational effeciency.

  • Cases where you receive invalid cart data from Amazon. This can include SKU values that do not match you POS. This can happen as a result of catalog upload issues.

  • Cases where you receive duplicate carts from Amazon. API retries can trigger the delivery of a duplicate cart and you need to ensure you can process those calls correctly.

  • Cases where you receive empty carts from Amazon. Shoppers can walk in and walk out of the store without purchasing an item. You will need to process empty carts differently from cart that include items.

Establishing endpoints

The Amazon system will be passing a virtual cart to you that includes the shoppers items. You will be required to establish an AWS API endpoint to secure/allow communication between Amazon systems and your endpoint. You can take advantage of the CloudFormation templates provided by the Amazon team. For companies using AWS as a platform, Amazon provides three sample templates to create the required services (API Gateway, IAM role, CloudWatch services). However, the samples we provide represent different modes depending upon the desired technology, customization, and flexibility required to meet your company's needs. You can access the templates on the retailer portal.

Onboarding to Amazon

AWS Account: For instructions on how to get an AWS account, please see here

Completed the Amazon onboarding: Retailer onboarding must be completed before integrating with the Amazon systems.

AWS Systems onboarding: you will be working with the Amazon team to onboard your endpoints to the Amazon systems. The process will include steps such as providing invocation URL for the Amazon API.