Alexa Champions

Recognizing Top Alexa Developers in the Community

Marco Tibaldeschi

Alessandria, Italy

Marco Tibaldeschi is co-founder of DBN Communication srl, a web-company founded in 2003. Marco's daily job is being CTO of, a SaaS developed by DBN that allows customers to create their products' catalog, distribute it to the most famous online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, AliExpress and manage the generated orders in a simple and quick way. Marco is an Alexa enthusiast since 2014, when he first saw the official video announcement on Facebook page. He had to wait until 2018 - when the ASK Skill Kit was released in Italy - in order to be able to create his first Alexa skill. Since then Marco founded, with his brother and business partner Pietro,, a company that focuses on voice-first technologies. 

Marco has a Bachelor Degree in computer engineering and has been a contract professor at the UNIPO (Università del Piemonte Orientale).

Published Skills

  • Capitali del Mondo: a trivia game, available in IT and US markets, where player must guess the capitals of the world.
  • Esatto, risposta sbagliata!: a quiz game, currently available in IT market only, where player must answer correctly to 10 questions by providing the wrong answer.
  • Missione Terra / Void Warper: a sci-fi adventure game, written by River Horse Games, where player has to bring back to Earth Princess Victoria, avoiding all the obstacles and enemies all around the deep space
  • Il Racconta Storie: a child-directed skill where classic stories are narrated by real human voices
  • Il Maestro dei Tarocchi: a skill where user may have a forecast of the future by the Master of the Tarots.

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